5 Most Odd Looking Artists

1. Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Mason is considered by the majority of the public to be one of the most anarchic, odd-looking artists around. His neo Goth appearance, guitar riffing tunes and death summoning lyrics helped build the image of Marilyn Manson. Even the stage name of Marilyn Manson is a great hint at the origins and the concept of the artist, as it combines the names of two public figures, known for totally different reasons. On one hand, we have Marilyn Monroe – a fashion and beauty icon and on the other hand, Charles Manson – a cruel American criminal.

Marilyn Manson looking strange as always

Image source: ndsstatic.com

2. Alice Cooper

Before Marilyn Manson, there was Alice Cooper. Coincidence or not, the first album released under the name of Alice Cooper was entitled Pretties for You and occurred in 1969, the exact year of Marilyn Manson’s birth. The School’s Out rock star is famous for his eccentric appearances and shocking on-stage performance, which surely help classify him as an odd-looking artist.

Alice Cooper with snake around his head

Image source: washingtonpost.com

3. Gene Simmons (Kiss)

Gene Simmons is the bass guitarist, singer-songwriter of the hard rock band Kiss. The members of this 70’s band are well-known for their face paintings (regularly black and white painted horror masks) and stage outfits. Gene Simmons was known as Demon, his make-up reflecting a dark sense of humour and his interest in comic books. Apart from his clothing and make-up, Simmons is famous for the length of his odd-looking tongue.

Kiss Play The Forum in London

Image source wordpress.com

4. Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is believed to be the queen of bizarre and uncanny outfits, with her costumes designed to shock and even repel. The dance-pop singer was announced to star in the television series American Horror Story, which might prove to be a fitting choice, considering her past on-stage performances. After all, she is well-known for wearing an odd-looking meat dress.

Lada Gaga and her very odd looking outfits

Image source gossiplyfe.com, gotceleb.com

5. Emilie Autumn

Less famous in social media as previously mentioned Lady Gaga, Emily Autumn might prove to be the real Lady of awkward stage appearance, also considering that her music is far from main stream. That apart from being a singer she is also a gifted violinist might be a great hint in that regard. The ‘’Fairy Pop’’ Emily Autumn draws inspiration from the Victorian Era, including everything from lyrics, instrumental and clothing. She is most likely to be seen wearing a corset or thorn dresses. Well, that is not very main stream in the 21st century, or is it?

Emilie Autumn playing violin

Image source imgur.com

Paula Blaj

My main passion for writing lies in music and movies.

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