Non-Ageing Celebrities

There are already so many reasons in this world to be jealous of celebrities: the wealth, the power, the beauty… need I go on? But now to top it all of it appears that a certain few have decided that they are going to get to a certain age and then just halt the ageing process indefinitely. Could it be surgery? Perhaps. Or is it just that these guys have landed on their feet in every way possible in life? Here are our findings so we’ll leave you to decide for yourself…

1. Pharrell Williams, 42.

At age 42, Pharrell Williams’ perfect face has always been somewhat of an enigma to the world. So much so, I’m pretty sure that if you type his name in to Google then the word ‘alien’ shows up pretty quickly. I guess people just don’t believe that you can look that great over the age of 40!

Non-Ageing Celebrities

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2. Kate Hudson, 37.

When you’re this beautiful it is a fact of life that people are always going to question it. However, I must say that even I have a few queries over this photograph of the stunning Kate Hudson, where the left image was taken more than 10 years previously! Just how does she do it?!

Non-Ageing Celebrities

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3. George Clooney, 55.

Ok, admittedly George Clooney isn’t exactly someone you would associate with ‘looking young’. But you have to admit it seems like he reached the age of 40 and decided not to age any further, only to remain one of the most desirable ‘silver foxes’ of the past twenty years.

Non-Ageing Celebrities

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4. Julia Roberts, 49.

Still one of the most breathtakingly beautiful smiles in Hollywood, Julia Roberts certainly doesn’t show the twenty-year gap between her and her younger self in this photo. If only life were this kind to all of us!

Non-Ageing Celebrities

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5. Jared Leto, 44.

This one still gets me – Jared Leto is 44! Yes, you heard me right there. 44. Whether it’s the bright blue eyes or the spectacularly full head of hair, he is definitely doing something right. You would never know he is ten years younger in the left image shown above.

Non-Ageing Celebrities

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6. Keira Knightley, 31.

Whilst Keira is by no means an actress you’d consider older, we can’t help but think back to the fresh-faced 18 year-old who first graced our screen in Pirates of the Carribean. And low and behold, it seems that her face hasn’t changed one bit.

Non-Ageing Celebrities

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7. Will Smith, 48.

I still think it takes people a while to register that Will Smith is no longer The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. And who can blame them when there is pretty much no way of telling how many years have passed since it first aired back in 1990, especially not Will’s face which still looks just as young and jubilant as ever.

Non-Ageing Celebrities

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8. Gwen Stefani, 47.

Now I’m not normally one to complain but how can it be fair that someone can be as cool, talented and youthful as Gwen Stefani? At age 47, this woman has never lost our love and admiration and I’m sure we’ll continue to forget how old she is right through until she is elderly.

Non-Ageing Celebrities

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9. Elijah Wood, 35

I’m sorry but this one is quite frankly terrifying! So Elijah Wood, were you born as an adult or are you gradually turning back in to a child? Benjamin Button eat your heart out..

Non-Ageing Celebrities

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10. Jennifer Lopez, 47.

In all honesty I am still totally and utterly speechless from looking through Jennifer Lopez’s back catalogue of photographs. Not only has the woman not aged a day – still looking like her beautiful self from twenty years ago – but her talent and music have also remained on a steady par!

Non-Ageing Celebrities

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Amanda Gegg

A creative and resourceful individual with a lot to talk about; I specialise in travel and entertainment writing but most definitely like to take on new challenges and opportunities.

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