10 Times Prince George Totally Didn’t Care About Being Royal

He may now have a little sister for competition, but we think Prince George is still everyone’s favourite royal – mainly because he often gives the impression of not really caring about his privileged position and just acting like a normal toddler, albeit one who jets around the world and attends polo matches. Yet despite living a gilded existence, the young prince, who it’s likely will eventually be king can win hearts with just an expression or gesture. So to explore how and why Prince George seems to be taking the world by storm with 10 times he really didn’t care…

1. The Time He Told Everyone To Chill

Prince George is constantly surrounded by courtiers, photographers, security guards and people generally wanting to say hello to royalty. So in this photo he appears to be just telling everyone to chill out. George, we salute you for remaining calm when all around you are losing it at the fact that there’s a royal baby nearby. Here’s hoping that all those people who George was telling to chill out took it as a royal order and spent some time relaxing rather than fawning over his royal cuteness.


Image source: popsugar.com

2. When He Gave The Dirtiest Side-Eye

It takes real skill to give a good side-eye – the ultimate sarcastic put down with just a look. At a very young age, Prince George appears to have become a bit of an expert. It’ll come in handy throughout life, as no doubt he’ll have to shoot the odd person a sarcastic look to let them know how he’s feeling rather than break royal protocol. Certainly when he’s out and about and the inevitable swarm of photographers begins to grate – he can shoot them this incredible side-eye glance, and in the words of his ancestor Queen Victoria, they’ll know that he’s ‘not amused’.


Image source: popsugar.com

3. That Time He Was Not Impressed

In 2012 gymnast McKayla Maroney unwittingly became the meme of the Olympics by looking decidedly unimpressed when she only won a silver medal. Here George appears to be channeling McKayla, as despite mum’s smiles he looks decidedly unimpressed with life on a royal tour. His lack of enthusiasm might have something to do with him being on an extremely windy runway, but we just like to think he woke up extremely unimpressed with things.


Image source: USmagazine.com

4. When He Had A Staring Contest With A Dog

The Queen is obviously famous for her love of corgis, and Prince George here shows that being fond of canine critters runs in the family. Here he appears to have challenged the family dog to a staring contest – one which we hope that the dog, knowing whom he’s up against lets the king to be win. This touching photo though shows the love and fascination a young kid can have for a pet dog. However George, one tip – if you’re challenging a hound to a staring contest it’s almost certain to win – unless of course you’ve got a bone nearby.


Image source: Popsugar.com

5. When He Was Just Really Nonplussed

We all know the feeling, when you just can’t quite work out what’s… oh where was I…yes, where you can’t quite work out what’s going on and just feel a bit…lost. In this photo it appears that this is exactly what Prince George is thinking as he contemplates life. The little Prince’s expression of bemusement is rather adorable though as he feels that mood which most of us have felt – mainly on Monday mornings, where we don’t quite know where we are, where we should be – or what to do.


Image source: DailyMail.co.uk

6. When He Was About To Get Rowdy

In this photo Prince George looks ready to jump out of his mother’s arms and get really rowdy – behaviour which would surely be pretty unbecoming for a young Prince. Luckily mum’s on hand to ensure that the little terror can’t indulge his more playful side when out and about in Australia. In fact George was visiting Sydney zoo – where he met a strange creature called a bilby, a marsupial that the little Prince was so taken with he took a cuddly toy of the rabbit like creature home with him.


Image source: MailOnline.com

7. When He Sucked An Imaginary Lemon

George evidently likes to do impressions, but as he hasn’t mastered Prince Charles yet, his repertoire consists of someone sucking on a lemon. This photo shows George at his cutest doing his impression either of someone sucking a particularly sour citrus fruit or having a particularly bad and grumpy gurn. To be honest we hope it’s the former, as the old wive’s tale says that if the wind changes, then your face will stay that way – and it wouldn’t be a good look for a future King of England.


Image source: MailOnline.com

8. When He Pretended To Be An Ostrich

Sometimes life gets too much even for a future king – and so when out playing at the polo with mum George decided it was time to make like an ostrich and shut everything out for a while. On the day he saw dad Prince William and Uncle Harry go at it on the polo field, so perhaps polo just isn’t his sport – although as he’s a royal and earlier in the day he was seen carrying a tiny polo stick and ball we’re pretty sure he’s a fan. Sometimes though, even  Prince just has to get away from it all – even if that means acting a bit like an ostrich.


Image source: ITV.com

9. When He Showed The World The Royal Tongue

This was at the Trooping of the Colour, one of the most important days in the royal calendar which tens of thousands of tourists turn out to watch. For young George though it was just another fun day of life as he wowed the crowds and even stuck his tongue out while laughing at the whole occasion. This is one royal kid who just loves to forget that he’s supposed to be being serious and who just goes with the flow. George, we and all of the regiment that you just stuck  tongue out at salute you. Although that might be your great-grandmother they’re actually saluting.


Image source: EOnline.com

10. When He Munched On His Mum’s Hair

Was this Prince George’s way of telling his mum to get a haircut? Or is Kate Middleton’s hair such a delicacy that young George just couldn’t resist munching on the Duchess of Cambridge’s hair. Whatever the reason this was an occasion on which the little Prince just forgot all about his status and tucked in. It surely can’t be that he’s not being fed properly – after all there will be so many banquets to attend in the future and he looks so healthy that one can’t imagine Prince George going hungry at all.


Image source: independent.co.uk

Mark W

Freelance journalist, who having also worked in film has dealt with screenplays and creative writing.

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